About Me

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I still feel like a teenager on the inside, unfortunately my children do remind me how old I am!! I have lived for 20+ years as an Irish expat in The Netherlands. My favourite city here has to be Amsterdam.

Writing, reading, authentic living. It's all here at The Writing Process

Welcome to my blog. Let me start by telling you that I love writing. I love the sense of vitality it gives me. I love that it helps me to make sense of the world and to the people in it. I love that it helps me become wiser, more intuitive, empathic, and most of all autonomous.

All aspects - reading, writing and observing - are what make the process complete. The essence is storytelling, and learning about
life and yourself.

Monday, March 26, 2012

The HelpThe Help by Kathryn Stockett

My rating: 4 of 5 stars

An honest, eye opening observation of the interaction between  the races in Mississippi in the early 60's. It is touching without being sentimental.

However the narrative only picks up pace after aboutr 70 pages and if I hadn't heard so much about the story I may have put it down before gettiong that far and miss a great story. So, don't give up, it is worth reading on.

View all my reviews

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