About Me

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I still feel like a teenager on the inside, unfortunately my children do remind me how old I am!! I have lived for 20+ years as an Irish expat in The Netherlands. My favourite city here has to be Amsterdam.

Writing, reading, authentic living. It's all here at The Writing Process

Welcome to my blog. Let me start by telling you that I love writing. I love the sense of vitality it gives me. I love that it helps me to make sense of the world and to the people in it. I love that it helps me become wiser, more intuitive, empathic, and most of all autonomous.

All aspects - reading, writing and observing - are what make the process complete. The essence is storytelling, and learning about
life and yourself.

Monday, June 28, 2010

Renewed inspiration

I am blessed to have done this trip last month. If I ever worried about writer´s block this place, mystical and magical, is my inspiration. Since coming back home I have been writing, and painting, with Doolin and the cliffs as the centre of my creativity.

If you are not in a position to come to the cliffs, find a place close to where you live, that will lift you out of the daily grind, and tap into your heart and creative self.

Nature is truly wonderful

1 comment:

Lisa K. said...

Wow. That looks like an amazing place. I'm always so inspired by beautiful and unique places, and there's nothing that gets me writing faster or with more passion than visiting somplace new and amazing.